Ria's Writing Corner
Earthbound Millennium : Moon Saga
Chapter 7: Forest Fire

CabMantha shook her head and laughed. "Fools! They know the danger yet..they step deeper into the fire!" CabMantha laughed insanely. She stared at the light pink crystal. "...I'm doing this for you..." CabMantha talked to the pink crystal as if it was alive. "...You kept saying...that...the Sages had the key." Her eyes began to water. "We'll get him back and make that wish.." CabMantha sighed. Shirah scratched her head. "Now...I wonder.." She used her whip to get to the top of the platform. "Oh where..oh where did that little Sage go?" Shirah chuckled and the entered the Forest Temple.
The first room was huge and had a elevator in the middle. Around the room were doors leader deeper into the temple. Leaves and vines decorated the room. "Grr. She could be in any of these rooms!" Shirah shouted. Her voice bounced off the walls and right back to her ears. "Oh well.." Shirah growled and opened the first door she saw. "Oh Goddess!" Saria held onto Razz's arm. "This is just..pur evil!" Razz agreed. He pushed some of his aqua hair behind his ears. The room they were in was medium sized and had a raised floor in the middle. A spiked fence surrounded it and the floor was painted with random decorations. Razz looked up. The same painting was everywhere. The painting was dreary with its grey road leading somewhere far away. "Wow.." He breathed. Saria smiled. "Tachiagaru!" Saria's voice rose and it seemed that she spoke in another language. A pillar of vines bursted from the ground and made a throne. Saria sat. "Neat!" Razz laughed. Saria smiled. Even through everything that happened Razz could make her smile. "Thanks..for..getting me..away." Saria nodded her head slightly. "Think nothing of it!" Razz laughed. "Uh.." Saria nervously laughed with him. "Interesting room." Reeses's voice piped up behind them.
"Ree!" Razz almost tackled her. Reeses stopped him. "When you ran by..did you feel anything?" Razz shook his head. "You sure?" Razz nodded his head. "There was something out there..." Reeses looked at the paintings. "Are you sure? We didn't see anyone.." Saria looked concerned. "It might be nothing..."
Shirah opened up a door. "..." She growled. "Where am I?" She yelled and stepped on the stem of a Deku Baba. "This. Fucking. Sucks." She sighed. "CabMantha will kill me. She's expecting a jewel of sorts and I don't know where it went.." Shirah went to open a door. "Here we go again.." Shirah opened it and was in the same room as earlier. "Hello?" She saw someone sitting near a lantern. "Who are you?" Shirah got closer. "Answer me!" Shirah went to grab the girls shoulder. "...!" A long loud scream of pain and agony answered Shirah. Shirah took a step back. "Hello dear. I'm Meg." The person floated around Shirah. "Grrf." She grumbled. "Who the fuck..." "I'm Meg! I have the answer you seek!" Meg laughed. "Then tell me it!" Meg continued laughing "I do not need to since the answer is right in front of your face." Meg's dark purple eyes sparkled. "What..are..you...?" Shirah finally asked. "A Poe. I have sisters here who are just like me..just different colors." Meg floated on her back. "We watch the place when Saria is away." "This place has more than one guardian?" Shirah was interested. "Don't most temples?" Meg blinked. "I'm not sure." Shirah looked towards another door. "Well..here I go again.." Shirah quickly walked to the door and was gone. "Wait! That's the wrong way!" Meg went after Shirah.
Zaterl looked through the door. She carefully opened it. "H-hello?" Zaterl quietly called. No answer. "Phew!" She was relieved. "Interesting place..." Zaterl looked around. She wasn't paying much attention and found herself on a weird elevator. "...! EEEK!" Zaterl yelled as the elevator went down. The room she landed in seemed to made out of pure rock. The room didn't really concern her anyway. She took a look and found a long hallway. She decided to run down the hallway. She didn't know what was making her do this and she didn't care at the moment. Her fingertips touched the door. "...!" Reeses gasped quietly and looked at the door. "Shirah? ..No. ..A Sage maybe?" Saria gasped. "Another Sage?" Saria rose from her chair. "Maybe it's Link!" Reeses shook her head. Saria felt a wave of fear hit her. The door slowly opened. Razz lightly pushed Saria behind him in case it was Shirah. "...Oh! I am so sorry!" A violet haired girl bowed when she saw who was there. "I thought you were someone else." Reeses gave her a suspicious look.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Zaterl blushed embarrassingly. "I'm Zaterl McYui. I was sent to this place by a Goddess named Farore. I'm not sure of the real reason why I'm here..." Razz let up his defenses a little bit. "Farore said I was a Sage too..." Reeses narrowed her eyes. "I don't know why I'm here." Zaterl repeated. "What did Farore tell you?" Saria asked in a sweet voice. "She said..I..had to stay here and other Sages will eventually be here. She also mentioned that someone is out to kill the Sages." Zaterl explained. Saria nodded understandingly. Reeses decided to trust her for now. "What are you the Sage of?" Reeses kept a frigid tone. "Time." Zaterl dusted off her skirt. Reeses nodded. "So..what's going on?" Zaterl walked to the group. "We're waiting for someone. Razz took another look around the room.
"Shirah? The cat lady?" Saria's eyes widened for a moment. "Who?" Zaterl went pink. She didn't feel like explaining. "Shirah's a cat woman..who I believe is working for someone much higher in power..." Shirah found herself in the big room again. "Fine then Meg. Show me where they are." Shirah glared at Meg. "It's quite obvious." Meg pointed to the middle of the room. Shirah grinned as she saw the elevator. Meg smiled. She didn't know why..but she wanted something to happen to Saria. Maybe she was still angry at Link for defeating her. Meg didn't know. All she knew she wanted was for Saria to get hurt. "Thanks alot Meg." Shirah gave a small bow and stepped on the elevator. Meg disappeared without saying a word. Shirah walked down the long hallway. "This looks like a place where they would hide..." She grinned and started opening the door. Reeses suddenly grabbed Saria's shoulders. "They couldn't of.." She said softly. Saria held onto Reeses in fear. "Please tell me they arn't coming.." She whispered. "Not sure.." Reeses stared at the door. Razz stood in front of Reeses too. "I..don't want to go.." Saria stared at Reeses.
"Shhh.." was all Reeses said. "Don't worry Saria!" Razz grinned at her. Saria smiled too. The door jerked open. Reeses held Saria tighter. No one was there. "What the...?" Razz looked around. Saria gasped. "There!" She pointed. They all turned their heads. "Hello there, Sages." A voice cackled. "Who?" Razz saw someone walk out of one of the paintings. The person was femaled and had long cat like ears. She wore a green leotard with matching gloves and boots. Her skin looked similar to that of chocolate and her eyes were almost as yellow as the sun. "I'm Shirah. I've come for the kid." Shirah lunged at Reeses. Reeses jumped backwards. Saria held on tighter. "Why are you doing this?!" Zaterl spoke. "For power. What else?" Shirah grinned. "Doesn't matter! Your not getting her!" Shirah laughed at that. "I beg to differ." Reeses growled. "Who are you working for?!" "CabMantha. She'll be quite the ruler." Shirah answered. "Ruler?" Razz asked. "Why else would someone want the Sages?" Shirah huffed.
"Tea time?" Razz shrugged. Shirah narrowed her eyes. "Now, be a good girl and give Shirah your power!" Shirah smiled at Saria. "No!" Saria shook her head. "Give it!" "No!" "I said give it to me!" "She said no!" Zaterl interuppted. She suddenly went red. "She'll give it to me." Shirah walked closer to Saria. "No she won't!" Razz yelled. Shirah growled. "Give me your fucking crystal NOW!" Her whip appeared in her hands. Saria gasped. Shirah inched closer. "Go away!" Saria cried. "Not with out your power!" Suddenly the kids from Kokiri Forest started to walk out from the paintings. "Oh!" Zaterl backed away. "Die! All of you!" Shirah whipped at the ground. "AGH!" Razz held his arm. Reeses kept her hold on Saria. "Now..give it to me!" Shirah ran for Saria. Saria screamed.